*marks equal contributions; †indicates I am a corresponding author.
Data Integration and Transportability
- Liu Y, Levis A, Normand S-L, and Han L (2024). Multi-Source Conformal Inference Under Distribution Shift. Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), PMLR 235:31344-31382. [OpenReview][software][poster]
Randomized Clinical Trials
- Liu Y, Zhu K, Han L, and Yang S (2025). COADVISE: Covariate Adjustment with Variable Selection and Missing Data Imputation in Randomized Controlled Trials. Preprint. [arXiv][software]
- Gao Y*, Liu Y*†, and Matsouaka RA (2024). When does adjusting covariate under randomization help? A comparative study on current practices. BMC Medical Research Methodology 24(250):1-17.
Propensity Score Weighting
- Wang Y*, Liu Y*†, and Yang S (2024). Rate doubly robust estimations for weighted average treatment effects. Revision submitted. [software]
- Liu Y, Li H, Zhou Y, and Matsouaka RA (2024). Average treatment effect on the treated, under lack of positivity. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 33(10):1689-1717. [arXiv][slides][software]
- Matsouaka RA*, Liu Y*, and Zhou Y (2024). Overlap, matching, or entropy weights: what are we weighting for? Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. [arXiv][poster]
Selected for Student Poster Award at ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop (2023), Student Poster Award at Georgia Statistics Day (2022), and Outstanding Master's Project Award (2022) from Duke Biostatistics and Bioinformatics.
- Matsouaka RA, Liu Y, and Zhou Y (2023). Variance estimation for the average treatment effects on the treated and on the controls. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 32(2):389-403. [arXiv]
Selected Applications and Interdisciplinary Collaborations
- Liu J, Liu Y, Zhou Y, and Matsouaka RA (2024+). Assessing Racial Disparities in Healthcare Expenditure Using Generalized Propensity Score Weighting. Under review.