*indicates equal contribution; indicates I am a corresponding author.

Adaptive Methods for Data Integration

  1. Liu Y, Levis A, Normand S-L, and Han L (2024). Multi-Source Conformal Inference Under Distribution Shift. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). [software][poster]

Advances in Propensity Score Methods

My paper of this section plays around the propensity score, a crucial tool in comparative effectiveness research for balacing covariate distributions and defining goalpost of inference. I have worked on (i) development of new methods when there is lack of positivity; (ii) practical evaluations of novel propensity score weighting methods; (iii) treatment effect estimation using semiparametric efficient and machine learning methods.

  1. Liu Y, Li H, Zhou Y, and Matsouaka RA (2024). Average treatment effect on the treated, under lack of positivity. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, accepted. [arXiv][slides][software]
  2. Matsouaka RA*, Liu Y*, and Zhou Y (2024). Overlap, matching, or entropy weights: what are we weighting for? Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. [arXiv][poster]
  3. Matsouaka RA*, Liu Y*, and Zhou Y (2023). Variance estimation for the average treatment effects on the treated and on the controls. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 32(2): 389-403. [arXiv]